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2014-12 阅读分享

bánh mì on a hot plate
相片取自 The Intrepid Journal of Sergey Kahn – Bánh Mì


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Unless You Look Really Deep

图片取自 The Fifth Paw

  She looked him up on the computer and then conferred with an associate. The She went in the back and didn't reappear for at least ten minutes. There was clearly an issue with Junior.



图片取自 Chameleon Abroad:
Travel, Expat life and Poetry

What is the point of genius?
When every social structure
Wants to confine and restrict it
Every political system on earth
Is afraid of absolute truth
Genius is more of a threat to security than extremism
Should genius conform?
And thus,
Cease to exist
All he can do is seek to understand the world in its entirety
And then try to contribute a tiny grain of good

Pretty Butterfly

图片取自 Chameleon Abroad:
Travel, Expat life and Poetry

Oh, pretty butterfly
Remember your humble beginnings
As a creepy crawly caterpillar
Flightless, clutching the paper bark
Hiding in fear from frogs and kingfishers
Now that you are a winged beauty
Let your beauty bloom within


图片取自 博客来





2014-11 阅读分享

图片取自 Living in Another Language - Island Camping


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图片取自 The Fifth Paw

  But when we lived in Santa Monica, the absolute worst day of the year, every year, was Halloween. We lived in a neighborhood with a lot of families with little kids.

  Kids who went trick-and-treating.

  Kids who rang doorbells.

I Felt Like Tom Hanks

图片取自 The Fifth Paw

  At the first sign of the barking during those interviews, I would hide in a room with the doors closed. They haven't invented doors that could keep out the kinds of sounds our dogs could generate, but they helped a little.


图片取自 The Fifth Paw

  Of the three hundred or so dogs that we've had in our home as pets, I can give you an exact count of how many have preferred me to Debbie.


  And Annie was one of them.


威廉·巴特勒·叶芝 诗/黎历 译



Pulling the Pea Pods through Your Teeth

图片取自 Australian Women Writers Challenge

Picking was the best of all: pulling at the green tops of carrots, never knowing if you were going to haul up a whopper or a skinny' un, all forked and twisted; filling buckets with peas and eating almost as many as he picked with a trick Mud taught him, pulling the pea pods through your teeth so the green peas popped out into your mouth.

Merry Christmas

图片取自 Australian Women Writers Challenge

Later, in bed, listening to the big wireless play softly from the lounge room, he sent a silent 'Fraulich Weihnachen' to Mutti, and 'Merry Christmas' to Alan Peaslake too.

Want to go Home

图片取自 Australian Women Writers Challenge

Harris blinked, and looked like he was going to scream again. Georg put his fingers lightly over the boy's mouth. 'Shhh. You'll wake the children in the other cabins. it's all right. Go back to sleep.'

'Want to go home,' said Harris.

Corn Salad

图片取自 Books, Time, and Silence

  Whenever I see corn salad I'm reminded of the little cage with the hamster or guinea pig that stood on the windowsill of our classroom in elementary school. It was there because it was good for us to learn about animals - to learn to take care of animals, I suppose. Whether the little leaves we pushed through the bars of the cage each morning were corn salad, I can't remember, but they looked a lot like it. The hamster or guinea pig nibbled at the leaves and then spent the rest of the day sitting in one corner of its cage. One morning it was dead, just like the little turtle, the two white mice and the stick insects that had preceded it. What we suppose to learn from this high mortality was never dealt with in the class.


2014-10 阅读分享

图片取自 愛湘隨 - 【合歡山】植物篇:其他高山家族


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As Though Hatred Spreads Like the Flu

图片取自 Australian Women Writers Challenge

'The Fuhrer is a tiny little man who wants to be a big one,' said Aunt Miriam evenly. 'And he wants to make his country bigger too. Germany was in a bad way when he came to power. And he's done good things - bringing the nation together again. But to do that he blamed all the hardships on the Jews, creating hatred and fear, to give communists and fascists and every unemployed peasant a common enemy. The Jews. Sometimes it's as though hatred spreads like the flu. One person gets it, then another and another.'

Total Nuts

图片取自 The Fifth Paw

  It's a myth that dogs shed when the weather goes from cold to hot so that they'll be more comfortable in the summer. The truth is that they shed 365 days a year, twenty-four hours a day. I have no idea where all the hair comes from; maybe the groomer uses Rogaine on them. Otherwise they would be bald by now.

171 E-mails from Strangers

图片取自 The Fifth Paw

  On our forth night in the hotel I got an e-mail from a reader in Maryland, who asked if we were anywhere near the fires. She described herself as a dog rescue person, and was of course concerned about the dogs.

Just for a Little While Longer

图片取自 The Fifth Paw

  We took her on vacation to Carmel and stayed in Doris Day's dog-friendly hotel. We went to Zuma, Tara's favorite beach in Malibu, three times a week. But she gradually started to slow down; walks becoming shorter, and her breathing was becoming heavier and more labored. While Debbie and I noticed it, neither of us would admit it, and Tara's occasional good days provided sustenance to our denial mechanism.


A Perfect Aryan Head

图片取自 Australian Women Writers Challenge

"Look at this boy," said Herr Doktor Schöner. "Look at him carefully. What do you see?"


图片取自 现代阅读



2014-09 阅读分享

图片取自 the little red house - the family flavor brownies


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图片取自 豆瓣读书







图片取自 听!孩子阅读的心在发芽



图片取自 听!孩子阅读的心在发芽



图片取自 听!孩子阅读的心在发芽





Answers that Embarrassed South Africa

图片取自 ebay

In her thirty-six years in Parliament, from 1953 to 1989, she infuriated the Nationalists with her probing questions. On average she asked two hundred questions a year. When accused by a minister of asking questions in Parliament that embarrassed South Africa, she famously replied, 'It is not my questions that embarrassed South Africa; it is your answers.'


图片取自 十二月的时光 -
