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≪阿嫲的四季泡菜≫ —— 在家重现最经典的韩式家常味
[韩]姜顺义 著 彭玲琳 译
ISBN 978-957-10-5415-5
~ 松露玫瑰 ~
~ 松露玫瑰 ~
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柏井寿 著 史诗 译
ISBN 978-7-5306-7210-5
He remained convinced that romantic behavior was basically monotonous and predictable, and that therefore one could write a fairly straightforward formula that would predict the collision course of any two people. But he was worried that he might not be enough of a genius to make the connections. He just couldn't imagine a way to correctly predict the other Katherines without screwing up the ones he'd already gotten down pat. And for some reason, his feared lack of genius made him miss K-19 more than he had since his face was pressed flat against his bedroom carpet. The missing piece in his stomach hurt so much — and eventually he stopped thinking about the Theorem and wondered only how something that isn't there can hurt you.
回复删除An Abundance of Katherines, P101
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7
"Um, why are we going out for dinner together?"
回复删除"Well, three reasons. First, because I've been thinking about our Theorem and I have a question. How does it work if you're g*y?"
"Well it's all graph-going-up means boy dumps girl and graph-going-down means girl dumps boy, right? But what if they're both boys?"
"It doesn't matter. You just assign a position to each person. Instead of being 'b' and 'g', it could just as easily be 'b1' and 'b2.' That’s how algebra works."
"Which would explain my C-minus. Okay. Thank God. I was really worried that it would only help the straights, and that's not much of a Theorem. Reason two is I’m trying to get Hollis to like me, and she likes you, so if I like you, she'll like me." Colin was looking at her, confused. "C-minus in algebra; A-plus in coolology. See, popularity is complicated, yo. You have to spend a lot of time thinking about liking; you have to really like being liked, and also sorta like being disliked." Colin listened intently, nibbling the inside of his thumb. Listening to Lindsey talk about popularity made him feel a little bit of the mysterium tremendum. "Anyway," she went on, "I need to find out what's going on with her selling land. That guy Marcus built this cookie-cutter house subdivision south of Bradford. I mean, it's vomitous. Hollis would never stand for that shit.'
"Oh, okay," Colin said, feeling a bit like a pawn.
An Abundance of Katherines, P138
John Green
ISBN 978-0-14-241070-7
柏井寿 著 史诗 译
ISBN 978-7-5306-7210-5
柏井寿 著 史诗 译
ISBN 978-7-5306-7210-5