
Because Dogs Live in the Present

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  “Do you want water? You can drink mine.” I indicate the glass of water I always keep on the nightstand.

  Lily shakes her head no.

  “I'm so sorry,” I say. “For all those other nights.”

  “Wh-y-y-y-y?” The panting continues.

  And this makes me cry even harder. All those nights she had no idea that I went to bed angry at her. Or if she had known, she has forgotten. Because dogs live in the present. Because dogs don’t hold grudges. Because dogs let go of all of their anger daily, hourly, and never let it fester. They absolve and forgive with each passing minute. Every turn of a corner is the opportunity for a clean slate. Every bounce of a ball brings joy and the promise of a fresh chase.

  She wants to know why I'm sorry. I don't want to tell her about my anger. I don't want to tarnish my image in her eyes. Not now. Not with the octopus listening.

  So when I respond, I lie.

  “Because I'm going to have to give you a bath.”

Lily and the Octopus, p133-134
Steven Rowley
ISBN 978-1-5011-2623-9



~ 松露玫瑰 ~

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4 条评论:

  1.   I think of all the nights when Lily failed to pee on our bedtime walks. How much stress this would cause me. How difficult it was on those nights to fall asleep, to stay asleep, frustrated that I might have to take her to the yard in the darkness of predawn. So many arguments this caused between us. I always thought I knew better when it came to her needing to pee, but until this night she had never once actually wet the bed. And now that she has, we just lie there in the accident and the minutes on the clock keep changing and the love I have for her keeps growing and we both keep drawing breath.

      What was so horrible about it?

      Why had I always had been so angry?

      What was with my need to be right? To win every argument with her? To outstubborn a dog?

      And just like that, all of the anger is gone. Released, like the empty of a bladder, into soft cotton sheets as we lie in the wetness.

    Lily and the Octopus, P133
    Steven Rowley
    ISBN 978-1-5011-2622-2

  2.   “Do you want water? You can drink mine.” I indicate the glass of water I always keep on the nightstand.

      Lily shakes her head no.

      “I'm so sorry,” I say. “For all those other nights.”

      “Wh-y-y-y-y?” The panting continues.

      And this makes me cry even harder. All those nights she had no idea that I went to bed angry at her. Or if she had known, she has forgotten. Because dogs live in the present. Because dogs don’t hold grudges. Because dogs let go of all of their anger daily, hourly, and never let it fester. They absolve and forgive with each passing minute. Every turn of a corner is the opportunity for a clean slate. Every bounce of a ball brings joy and the promise of a fresh chase.

      She wants to know why I'm sorry. I don't want to tell her about my anger. I don't want to tarnish my image in her eyes. Not now. Not with the octopus listening.

      So when I respond, I lie.

      “Because I'm going to have to give you a bath.”

    Lily and the Octopus, P133-134
    Steven Rowley
    ISBN 978-1-5011-2622-2

    1. 哈哈哈 …… 果然心有灵犀 ;) (昨晚知道的话,直接过来 copy-n-paste 就好)…… 而且小小管理员看得比较快哦 :)

    2. 哔!哔!哔!!!!摘录怎么能“照抄”,这也太混了 XD …… 没有看很快,你开始分享那周因为心太痒,不管其他待读的,也开始跟着读了,只不过是懒得摘录而已,所以“有点比较快” ;) …… 周六到现在也只是增加了不到百页的进度,哈哈哈哈
