
2017.05 图书架

本月图书分享: 共 5 本

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Abundance . . .

图片取自 Novel Kicks

…… Just think about it: what can make human beings suffer more than awareness of their limits? I don't mean fear of death, I mean our suffering at realizing our intelligence is limited. But when we go into library and look at all those bookcases stretching into the distance, what descends on our soul, if not grace? Spiritually, we can at last fill the terrible emptiness that makes us just worms creeping on this earth. Those endless bookshelves reflect back to us an ideal image, the image of the full range of the human mind. Then all the paths are made plain, everything's newly created once more, and we move closer to a mystical vision of Abundance. The inexhaustible milk of human culture, right here, within our reach. Help yourself, it's free. Borrow, because as much as accumulation of material things impoverishes the soul, cultural abundance enriches it. My culture doesn't stop where someone else's begins. In fact, the library is the place where the greatest solidarity between humans takes place. Humanity, in its most depressing and suffering state, the most beautiful humanity there is, actually the sinners, the unemployed, the cold weather refugees, they're all around me here. Knock and it shall be opened to you, ask and you shall be served . . . What? You're laughing? Oh good grief, for once I was being serious, and I got carried away again. But you're right, let me put it more clearly. So you can understand, I'll tell you who typically never sets foot here: a rich white man between the ages of thirty-five and fifty. Why? Because in the group age, he's part of the barbaric ruling class. Monsieur doesn't make use of public services. You'll never see Monsieur on a bus. Monsieur doesn't need to share with other people, because Monsieur owns things. It's a long time now since Monsieur's madame went to borrow some eggs from neighbour. Because for Mother's day, she got a three-speed mixer, and if Monsieur cares to read a book, he buys it. But in any case, reading is already an act of weakness. Monsieur doesn't have the time. He has a subscription to a sports club. Does he ever think about facilities provided by his local council? No, he thinks he's all powerful, a self-made man, what an ass. ……




这首是去年看《从你的全世界路过》后印象非常深刻的,当时有认出是李荣浩的声音,但觉得歌词更有意思,不但跟电影内容很贴切,跟有的人的现实生活也很贴近 …… 回来一搜,就更喜欢了,真心觉得比电影还棒 ^^



这不是一首赵传耳熟能详的歌,很多朋友也可能没听过,但那识别度高的传式歌声,应该一听就能听出,这是首暖暖的民谣,不是传哥一般爱唱的摇滚哦 ~



图片取自 豆瓣读书







嗯,又失眠了 😖

唯有来听听“最失眠”这首歌!? 👉👈



图片取自 亚马逊



青春 无处安放

因为成都这首歌,知道了赵雷 ~

因为赵雷,重新认识了青春 ~

原来青春它,无处安放 ~~~~ ;)

来听听这首写得如诗般的雷子民谣,舒服哦 ^^



图片取自 大塊文化




2017.04 图书架

本月图书分享: 共 5 本

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